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Blog posts

Please find below various categories of blogs:

General CUCo blogs

Knowledge integration is… by Anke de Vrieze and Annemarie Horn

The process of collaboration by Rick Steggerda

A training series for unusual collaborations by Leo Tiokhin, Meghann Ormond and Anke de Vrieze

CV of failure by Martine Veldhuizen

Blogs from Spark and UCo teams

Wat als je altijd pijn hebt? by Mienke Rijsdijk and Hanneke Willemen

Researcher-in-residence blogs

Samen spelen, samen delen by Ohad Ben Shimon

Blogs published on external websites

Understanding exclusion, sharing benefits and building in reflection in transdisciplinary collaborations. Integration and Implementation Insights. By Annisa Triyanti, Corinne Lamain, Jessica Duncan and Jillian Student.

Towards fair transdisciplinary collaborations that honour epistemic justice. Integration and Implementation Insights. By Annisa Triyanti, Barbara van Paassen, Corinne Lamain, Jessica Duncan, Jillian Student, Jonas Colen Ladeia Torrens and Nina de Roo.

Not just in our heads: Embodied and creative practices for creating connection. Integration and Implementation Insights. By Corinne Lamain and Jillian Student.

Transdisciplinary Research: If it’s so important, why aren’t we all doing it? AWTI newsletter. By Josephine Sassen-van Meer, Corinne Lamain, and Frans van Gemerden.