Original publishing date: Nov 22, 2021

On 11 November the CUCo got to host one of the monthly alliance Lunch and Learn events.
We gave the participants a taste of the CUCo methods being utilized to help in bridging the gaps within unusual collaborations. Our board let everyone participate in the game ‘The Parlour of Food Futures’ by Markéta Dolejšováused to discuss possibile food-tech futures. This game sparked various conversations about how we position ourselves in this debate, but most of all, how these methods can help us navigate conversations regarding complex and wicked problems.
Additionally, we wanted to engage with the participants during this event posing two questions: What do researchers need to work in unusual collaborations and which changes within institutes are needed to facilitate space for unusual collaborations?
During the plenary discussion, it became evident that understanding each other across disciplines offers various obstacles. Visualization tools are essential in getting the right messages across and creating broader understanding towards each other.
“You need someone to be able to visualize complex discussions, and to visualize is an art”
Furthermore, essential for unusual collaborations to work, is the space and time researchers get:
“Without the time to work on new ideas, it will be harder to innovate”
We left the meeting inspired and energized to further work and help researchers work in unusual collaborations!