Centre of Trial and Error
The Center of Trial & Error is a platform for research, teaching, and publishing, focusing on the role of trial and error as well as failure in academia. The Center grew out of the Journal of Trial and Error (JoTE), a scientific journal dedicated to publishing 1) methodological errors which have productive conclusions for the scientific community at large, and 2) conceptual errors in the form of negative or null results. JoTE strives to publish an accompanying reflection paper alongside each empirical article. In these papers, a subject specialist, philosopher, historian, anthropologist or sociologist of science reflects on the empirical research, answering and problematizing the question “what went wrong?” These linked publications provide a space for dialogue around errors in research and facilitate a bridge between more reflective sciences and empirical studies.

Transformative Learning Hub
The Transformative Learning Hub (TL Hub) seeks to blur the boundaries conventionally drawn between research and teaching. Organised as a horizontal community of learners, it expressly brings together researchers, educators, students, changemakers and activists across different disciplines and fields at Wageningen University and beyond who are committed to engaging with transformative learning theory and practices in our teaching, research and societal engagement.

UU- Centre for Academic Teaching & Learning
Academic education on a high standard starts with professional teachers who are educated as researcher and as teacher. Everything that is offered by the Utrecht University for teachers to develop themselves and to improve their education, is united in the Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning (CATL) which makes it visible and accessible.

Institute for Complex Molecular Systems
The Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS) is the interdisciplinary TU/e institute for research and education in the area of molecular complexity. Located at the heart of the TU/e campus, in walking distance from the contributing departments of Mathematics, Engineering, Chemical Technology, Biomedical Engineering, and Physics, the institute brings together excellent researchers of all kinds, enabling cross-fertilization of ideas across departments and across disciplines.

Centre for Space, Place and Society
The Centre for Space, Place and Society (CSPS) brings together researchers from four chair groups within Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and beyond to advance critical-constructive scholarship within the social sciences. Particular focus is on issues of socio-spatial and environmental justice. In investigating dynamics of spatial and social rootedness, connections, and circulations, with special attention to questions of inequality, exclusion, difference and plurality, CSPS seeks to translate knowledge into practical action in pursuit of a more just and equitable world.

SCOOP – sustainable Cooperation
SCOOP is a research and training centre dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of sustainable cooperation as a key feature of resilient societies. SCOOP is a joint initiative by the University of Groningen (Strategic Theme Sustainable Society) and Utrecht University (Strategic Theme Institutions for Open Societies), and also involves researchers from the VU Amsterdam, the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Radboud University Nijmegen. The 2025 Vision for Science of the Dutch Ministry of Education (2014, p. 19) praised SCOOP as an “example of cross-pollination between disciplines”.

WAAG – Futurelab
“Technology is not neutral. Waag reinforces critical reflection on technology, develops technological and social design skills, and encourages social innovation.Waag works in a trans-disciplinary team of designers, artists and scientists, utilising public research methods in the realms of technology and society. This is how Waag empowers as many people as possible to design an open, honest and inclusive future.”

Instituut voor Faalkunde
[Website only in Dutch] Het Instituut voor Faalkunde verzorgt workshops, trainingen, lezingen, retraites, zakelijke events en coaching voor bedrijven, organisaties en individuen die faalkundig willen worden.