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Original publishing date: Sep 22, 2021

Daniël Lakens. Photo: Loraine Bodewes
Daniël Lakens. Photo: Loraine Bodewes

Researchers from TU/e, Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht come together within the Centre for Unusual Collaborations to seek answers to societal issues from uncommon perspectives.

Solving the seemingly insoluble; it is no mean ambition, the aspiration of the Centre for Unusual Collaborations (CUCo). Drawn from various institutions, researchers working in surprising combinations are getting their teeth into societal challenges – and finding themselves individually challenged to their limits. “These days I am pretty expert at what I do, but now I’m facing completely new challenges,” admits Daniël Lakens of TU/e, one of the researchers within the collaborative project ‘The Power of One’.

Read the entire piece on CUCo and it’s ambition here.