Original publishing date: Oct 4, 2021
It is our pleasure to send around this INVITATION for our Fourth Centre for Unusual Collaborations (CUCo) symposium and our last symposium of 2021.
When? 5 November 2021, 14:00-16:00 (2-4 pm)
What? Update on the Centre for Unusual Collaborations, place to pitch new ideas, and meet potential collaborators in the alliance
Who? All (Young Academy members + invited colleagues)
How? Hybrid meeting (CUCo location, Vening Meineszgebouw, Princetonlaan 8, 3584CB, Utrecht Science Park + Online via MS Teams)
As indicated, our symposia are a platform for pitching new ideas, meeting new people, and taking the first steps into forging unusual collaborations that can lead to a Spark application. You can read all about the application here. Participation in our symposia is also a requirement to be eligible for a Spark grant.
The programme for this symposium is as follows:
- 14:00 Walk in
- 14.05-14.15 Introduction
- 14.15-14.25 Interview spark grantee
- 14.25-14.35 Pitches via videos (click here for some tips on how to pitch)
- 14.35-15.15 Plenary More than Research game
- 15.15-15.50 Hybrid breakouts
- 15.50-16.00 Wrap-up
You can register for the symposium here:
We are looking forward to your new ideas/ pitches.
Questions? Contact us at cuco@wur.nl