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We are looking for a student (bachelor’s, master’s or PhD candidate) that can support building a solid knowledge base on the work of the Centre for Unusual Collaborations.


CUCo currently uses a lottery to distribute its research funds. We therefore wish to know what the state of the debate is on lotteries as a funding mechanism. What is the literature telling us about the use of lotteries as a funding distribution mechanism in terms of effectiveness and appreciation by applicants? You will conduct the literature review, do the analysis and write up the results. This could be part of your thesis or fulfil another interest.

You will conduct a systematic literature review using the AS Review software, doing a search on PubMed/Web of Science.


You will be supervised by Inge Stegeman, member of the CUCo board. If desirable, this could be part of co-supervision arrangement with a supervisor from your own institute.


  • Anyone registered as a bachelor’s or master’s student or PhD candidate at one of the four EWUU alliance institutes (UU, UMCU, WUR, TU/e) at the time of submission is eligible;
  • This project can be part of an internship, thesis or an extracurricular project, depending on your wishes and circumstances;
  • You are encouraged to submit a proposal including:
    • A motivation, explaining, your interest in the topic, how your experience matches the assignment, and what you want to learn in this project;
    • One or two written course assignments that you have previously completed, showcasing relevant experience;
  • If selected, the costs associated with travel will be covered and you will receive €150 in vouchers;
  • Please inform us if you are interested by submitting a motivation (max 250 words), with name and university affiliation to hello@unusualcollaborations.nl.

Application deadline: Monday 15 April 2024, 12:00 PM, noon.