Unusual Perspectives on Dynamic Networks

Unusual Perspectives on Dynamic Networks: Building Interdisciplinary Understanding

What is this project about?

Our unusual collaboration is directed at learning and exchange on concepts and methods for conceptualising and studying Dynamic Networks from various scales and perspectives. To this, the project contains four key aims, as follows:

  1. create a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration
  2. map our diverse approaches, concepts, and methods for researching Dynamic Networks through discipline literature reviews, and the creation of interactive visualizations
  3. evaluate our perspectives/approaches and identify key gaps/areas for future collaboration
  4. collaborate in writing a proposal grant

Research team:

Joep Frens (TUe), Mary Greene (WUR), Jesse Hoffman (UU), Lenneke Kuijer (TUe), Juul Limpens (WUR), Jeroen Oomen (UU), Holly Robbins (TUe), Jurian Schuijers (UMCU)

Get into contact

If you want to know more about this project or come into contact with the researchers working on this, you can e-mail Dr. Lenneke Kuijer.

Contact info

s.c.kuijer [at] tue.nl