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Call to action 3HOWs4DM

Better Care for People with Type 2 Diabetes

We know that managing diabetes can be hard, and it’s even harder for some people with a (non-Western) migration background who don’t always get the support they need. That is why three organizations—UMC Utrecht, Wageningen University, and TU Eindhoven—are working together on a project called Inclusive Care, Brighter Minds.

What is the goal?
We want to improve care for people with type 2 diabetes, especially those who have a (non-Western) migration background. By doing this, we hope to prevent mental health problems that can come from poorly managed diabetes.

How will we do this?
We’re focusing on three big questions:

  1. How do we connect with people who need help?
  2. How do we keep them involved in managing their diabetes?
  3. How do we track their progress and health?

What makes this project special?

  • We work with local communities and respect their traditions and needs.
  • We will use tools like wearable devices to track blood sugar and even emotions, helping people stay on top of their health.
  • Our goal is to make care fairer and more personal, so everyone gets the support they deserve.

By combining research, community input, and new technology, we are working to make life better for people with diabetes and inspire others to create more inclusive healthcare.

Interested in participating?

Please contact project lead Fariba Ahmadizar at F.Ahmadizar@umcutrecht.nl.