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Navigating the Nuances of Plant-Based Proteins in the Dutch Food System

Balancing Health, Environmental Sustainability, and Culture

This study aims to understand the benefits and challenges that come with the increasing popularity of (ultra-processed) plant-based foods and how they affect people, animals, and the environment. As more people choose plant-based proteins, it’s important to look at how these foods impact our nutrition, the planet, society, and the economy. We will investigate areas like how these foods influence mental and physical health, their cost and affordability, and how sustainable they are in terms of health, money, the environment, and cultural factors. The project will also consider what changes in policies and industry practices are needed to support healthy and sustainable protein choices, such as using a wider variety of protein-rich ingredients in plant-based foods. By focusing on these factors and analysing existing data, this project aims to provide a clearer understanding of the wider effects of plant-based food systems. This can help develop strategies that balance health, sustainability, and ethical considerations in how we produce food.

Team members

Gabriela Matias de Pinho (UU)
Chris Vogliano (WUR)
Samaneh Nickayin (WUR)
Russell Carter (WUR)
Sanne Schoenmakers (TU/e)

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