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Original publishing date: Mar 16, 2021

The CUCo is proud to announce the first four projects who have been granted an Unusual Collaborations Grant. An excerpt from the announcement on the EWUU Site:

Four teams from different disciplines and institutions within the strategic alliance between TU/e, WUR, UU and UMC Utrecht have received a Unusual Collaborations Grants for projects set to address societal challenges. The Centre for Unusual Collaborations (CUCo) of the alliance has awarded these projects because they are unusual in their composition of the teams, the methodologies, the process or the output. The decision on the amount of each grant has been unusual as well, as all participants have worked this out together in a participatory budget meeting. A total of 830.000 euro has been divided across 4 projects.

You can read the full announcement on the EWUU-site.

Interested in the projects and what they are about? Check out their project page!