Support processes of knowledge integration from the start of a project, by offering a process generate a variety of possible research questions
The ultimate aim in inter- and transdisciplinary projects is to integrate knowledge. This method helps to support integrative processes from the start of a project, by offering a method to generate integrated research questions.
Inspired by the process of making focaccia, which include the steps of folding, stretching and poking the dough, this methods consists of a step-wise approach to 1) generate research questions (fold); 2) transform one or two selected questions to explore the full scope of the questions (stretch) and 3) to critically question one version of the question through a set of reflective prompts (poke).
The aim is not necessarily to end up with one question that everyone agrees upon (although this could happen), but rather to experience the variety of questions possible and to understand how questions can be adapted to include different perspectives.
The 3 key steps in this process consist of Fold, Stretch & Poke. Divide the participants in groups of four to five.
Step 1: Fold (30 min)
- Each participant writes a research question he/she is interested on one A4 and then passes the A4 to the person on their left side.
- Participants read the original question they received and write a new version of the research question, making it (more) fit to their own research interest. They fold away the original question and pass on the A4 again to their left.
- Participants write the version of the question they received (without seeing the original question) and again write a new version of the question, so that it includes something of their own interest.
- Continue this process until the original question ends at the creator.
- Invite everyone to read and share the different versions of their question. And ask participants to reflect on what they notice they did with the questions – what was the kind of move(s) did they make?
- Invite participants to select one or two questions that they are collectively interested in exploring further in the next step.
Step 2: Stretch (30 min)
- Invite participants to write the question(s) they choose on (a) separate post-it(s).
- Have a set of printed ‘movements’ that can be made to transform the question: see slides
- Invite participants to start making variation, by making one move. Write the new version of the question on a post-it, place it on the table, mark the relation with a card that states the kind of move made.
- Participants make moves one by one, they can depart from the original question or a new version of the question.
- The aim is not necessarily to end up with one question that everyone agrees upon (although this could happen), but rather to experience the variety of questions possible and to understand how questions can be adapted to include different perspectives.
Step 3: Poke (30 min)
- Invite participants to pick one version of the question they all feel excited about.
- Invite participants to ‘question the question’ by using a set of prompts: see slides.
Forming teams, writing a collaborative proposal
90 minutes
Group size
4 – 20 persons
Required materials
- Slides
- Paper sheets (A4)
- Pens
- Post-its
- Flipchart sheets
- Print-outs of the different moves to transform the research questions
Related tools
A nice warm-up activity is ‘exquisite corpse’, where one person draws the head, folds it over, the next person draws the body, and the third person draws the legs and feet: Exquisite Corpse – Re-imaginary (reimaginary.com)
Relevant resources
This method was brought to us by Jonas Torrens
Tips & experience
Preferably work in groups of 4-5. Bigger groups turn out to be challenging
Make sure to print enough copies of the ‘moves’ to transform a research question and cut them in separate pieces, so participants can physically place them on the table for each new version of the research question