Unusual Collaborations

All in the Same Boat

Advancing interdisciplinary integration within and among water security pillars. Only with this integration can we secure water from raindrop to tap.

Better Wave than Worry

Identifying the shared characteristics of early-warning signals across various disciplines, and to assess their impact in a wider context, i.e. beyond our respective domains.

Complexity and digital health monitoring

Taking a complexity-science approach to study health technology adoption, and integrating qualitative methods with quantitative ones in the process.

Dismantling Disparities

Aiming to understand whether there are inequalities in academic success and if so, whether unusual collaborations can tackle these inequalities.

Dirty Work, Clean Future

Identifying the factors that can help to shed light on issues of wellbeing that workers in so-called dirty work experience.

FAIR-Battery Challenge

Developing an open-source electrochemical battery technology for residential users, small-scale commercial use, and rural health posts.

Frozen in Time and Space

What new ethical and social aspects of human and animal applications of cryopreservation emerge when we integrate the two discourses?

Imagining More-than-Human Communities

Robots? What are they doing? Working? Or playing? And who decides? This project explores ways of imagining a more equitable community of humans and nonhumans.

Plasticity: Here, there, everywhere

Can the concept of plasticity, which resonates with resilience, identity and time, contribute to other scholarly fields that currently do not use it?

Playing with the Trouble

In an institutional context, games can help to explore different roles, perspectives, and rules, and expand collective imagination and agency.


Exploring (dis)trust in AI for different groups within several domains of expertise, including climate science, nutrition and health, and

Smart Food

Developing novel edible smart origami for programmed release and treatment of the gastrointestinal system and consequently improve the lives of patients.

Structures of Strength

Creating a platform where a team of researchers work together to combine their knowledge and create veritable solutions related to health, food, energy, cultural and environmental issues.


Unpacking and co-creating collaborative research processes for shared learning, purpose and impact.

Previously funded Unusual Collaborations

iPOP-NL – Interdisciplinary Pain Research Platform

iPOP-NL takes a multidisciplinary, multifaceted approach to (re)define and understand chronic pain, and to develop better treatment.

The Power of One

Examining how the needs of unheard and unseen individuals in the contexts of the hospital, the workplace and the neighborhood are identified, and to what extent the current strategies succeed in reaching that goal.

Towards a data-driven dashboard

Reorienting agriculture towards a sustainable future is a major societal challenge. Circular agriculture has been put forward as a promising vision on how to produce sufficient food while mitigating sustainability problems.