Formerly known as Preservation of Female Reproductive Health
Imagine a technology that preserves the essentials for creating life— it freezes and revives the building blocks of reproduction: sperm cells, oocyte, embryos, and even ovarian tissue. This is cryopreservation, a biotechnology with implications for both humans and animals. It can offer hope to women facing infertility, it can protect endangered species, and it can store genetic material for future research or potentially space colonization. Yet, while the science advances rapidly, the ethical and societal acceptability of these applications are in need of further exploration.
Our team, formed through the SPARK initiative, is an interdisciplinary group of experts in cryobiology, embryology, bioengineering, ethics, sociology, and design. And we are particularly interested in fertility. And through the SPARK collaboration, we created a common interest in cryopreservation. We would love to further explore the ethical and societal dimensions of cryopreservation and contribute by exploring a fundamental yet unusual question: What new ethical and social insights emerge when we integrate the human and animal perspectives on cryopreservation? In humans, cryopreservation often revolves around reproductive autonomy and individual choices. In animals, it’s framed as a tool for conserving populations and biodiversity. But what happens when we challenge these assumptions, contrasting the two worlds? For example, would society accept freezing endangered animal embryos for research if similar arguments were applied to human reproduction, and vice versa?
To spark meaningful conversations, we are going to use an art-based approach. Art has the unique ability to translate complex ideas into emotional, visceral experiences, encouraging moral reflection and fresh perspectives. We aim to organize public engagement activities in which people are invited to engage directly with emotional and moral reflection through an art installation.

Team members: Marta de Ruijter-Villani (UU), Julie Lamy (WUR), Marieke Hollestelle (UMCU), Koen Kramer (UU), Alessia Longoni (UMCU), and Efrat Gommeh (independent). Photo taken during our Kick-Off in January 2025.