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This call was placed on behalf of the Context Network for qualitative methodology.

Five years ago, the Context Network was established to bring qualitative researchers and methodologists together to discuss pressing issues in qualitative methodology and promote community learning. We started out as a small community of ten methodologists that met once in a while.

Today, we are a growing network of 180+ members with representatives from all Dutch and Flemish universities, many applied universities, research institutes, software developers and independent researchers. We organize biannual symposia on topics such as digital methods, conversation analysis or materiality in ethnographies. It is important to us to stimulate interaction and cooperation between researchers/methodologists and promote qualitative research in general.

Interested? You are very welcome to join our network! More information can be found on www.context-network.com or you can send Suzanne an e-mail via s.roggeveen@scp.nl. Our network is free of charge.