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Original publishing date: Oct 27, 2022

“It did net work”, this was the final conclusion of the Spark adventure of the ‘Unusual Perspectives on Dynamic Networks’ team. After having explored Dynamic Networks from various scales and  perspectives for a year with a group that crosses disciplinary boundaries, the team decided not to push this idea forward. Very much in line with CUCo’s approach to exploring teams and ideas: they may proceed, but they may just as well end. This team, as well as other Spark teams that were funded in 2020 and 2021, have finalized their activities. They offer us now in various manners and forms what their efforts over that period have resulted in and what lessons emerged. Please enjoy the videos, images and reports from the former Spark teams that capture those lessons. 

Spark grants aim to stimulate unusual collaborations by offering initial financial support to start building committed project teams so as to explore and develop new ideas. The grant can be used to explore the feasibility of an idea or possible project and/or to test whether it can be taken into a larger (unusual) project. In 2020 and 2021 ten Spark projects were granted. Some of the teams that present their lessons have in the meantime made the transition to the UCo grant: All in the Same Boat, Game your way through (now: Playing with the Trouble) and FAIR Battery. With all of this cohort now having finalized they offer us great insight on both their research results, as well as their lessons on the process. The teams choose their own formats for presenting these results and as such they include illustrations, images and videos. Feel free to explore the outcomes, processes and reports through the links below.  

Please find reports of the following Spark projects:

Or visit the Spark project page here.